Is graffiti art?
I'm contemplating painting my house this summer so I'm pursuing paint chip charts & trying samples on the walls. In assessing the condition of the
walls I've come across graffiti in my own home!
Here's a small sampling ~
A face. In purple PERMANENT Sharpie marker.
My love of Sharpies is coming back to bite me.
I was told that Rudi-pa-tuti (our golden retriever) drew this....Who knew she was so talented!?!
Then there's the big "W" with a circle around it on the side of the sofa...yes, again the Sharpie marker but this time in black. It looks like a brand, don't you think?
I was again told that "Rudi" did this but I'm not buying it.
Here's my favorite. Little hearts & stars drawn in red Sharpie, cut out, & taped on the wall under another framed piece.
I know Rudi didn't make these as she can't get her paws in the scissors loops...yet!
I'm re-thinking my painting.