Saturday, February 27, 2010

Abstract Glass Sculpture

I'll be trying to highlight a new piece everyday over the next few days...or week.
I'm behind in my photography & applications for the upcoming year.
It always takes me by surprise.
Deadlines creep up.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Glass Bracelets

Just made a few glass bracelets. I love these although they can be complex to create. The blanks, original layered fused piece, are not hard to make but the shaping can be tricky. It's all in the timing; opening the kiln to marver the glass into shape before it hardens or not leaving in to long that you have a pool of molten glass.

Worth the practice & effort! They are beautiful & guaranteed to get comments & compliments.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Moose on the Loose!

There's moose all over the place & they're eating my trees, and shrubs, & anything they can find! This guy has lost his rack. See the little knob spots where they used to be?

Oh man...he's looking right at us!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Our Little Fudge Nut!

Do you know the saying;
"Families are like fudge...
mostly sweet with a few nuts"
Well, here's our little fudge nut!
And, Rudi Pa Tuti the ever present sidekick!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Bees are Alive!

I noticed that the bees were out flying around in the sun. The temperature
today is about 31 degrees & very sunny in my yard ~ it feels much warmer
than 31 degrees. As I walked up to the hive they started to poke
their little heads out to see what was happening. They get worried.

You can see all the dead bees they've removed just today. A few came out
to fly around & then fell into the snow & quietly died there unable to fly
back to the hive. I pulled the lid off & loaded them up with granulated sugar.
The top box is empty except for insulation & the food that's stored there for their access.

I'm hoping they will continue to survive.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Casting 4 ~ The Cracked Eye

Here's my latest casting piece ~ the cracked eye! This is a larger piece, about 5" X 5", versus the previous pieces which were 2" X 2". The mold cracked while this was in the kiln & some of the molten glass flowed out & onto the floor of the kiln. I've ground some of the overflow off & smoothed off the prickles along the edges. I like this size & the glow of the colors with the light behind it.

William said it looks like a bloodshot eye & needs an eye patch?!#$% What?

On second thought maybe that's not a bad idea ~

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Third Eye ~

Here's the third set of castings in my series of
"The Eyes Have It."

( Anyone know why the photo keeps being turned sideways even though I formatted it in Photoshop & had it turned hortizontal????)

Anyway, I love this color ~ neolavendar ~ & how opaque & creamy it looks cast.

Here's the group of three small castings. The transparents are more interesting in the final castings although some of the opaques when mixed with other colors provide more depth. I packed the neolavendar in the mold & then put white behind the eye & then packed clear over the back of the whole casting. Love the little bubbles that are visable in the transparent glass.

Friday, February 5, 2010

5 year old Art!

Here's a picture that my 5 year old son, William, drew on his
pocket Etch A Sketch!
I think it's pretty darn great!!
I know you can tell what it is but let me brag ~

It's a pirate ship, flying it's flag right above the smoke stack.
Can you see the anchor? There's a steering wheel on the back
& a walking plank on the front.

As someone who is "Etch A Sketch" impaired
I'm pretty impressed with William's drawing & planning.
What great visual motor skills
my child has!! So proud! :)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Here's a visitor to the neighborhood strolling down the sidewalk!

There's a Mommy moose & a set of twins wandering around the neighborhood too.